Registration opens for Fifth Annual IACE Conference

Fort Worth, Texas -- Registration is available online for the International Alliance for Christian Education’s fifth annual conference, to be held February 7-9, 2024 at the Riley Conference Center on the campus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth. 

A tentative schedule of presentations is available, with updates possible in the coming weeks. What follows is a listing of those who have agreed to contribute to the annual conference program. 

Chris Brooks is pastor of the influential Woodside Bible Church in the Detroit area. Brooks is a radio host and author, a thought leader in the area of Christian worldview and cultural engagement. He is a former dean at Moody Theological Seminary. 

Ligon Duncan serves as chancellor and the John E. Richards Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary. A recognized and thoughtful leader in both the church and the Christian academy, he is an author, editor, and contributor to several books, including Does Grace Grow Best in Winter?, Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross, Fear Not, and Give Praise to God. 

Sandy Willson is interim president of The Gospel Coalition and the former pastor of Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis, Tennessee. He is considered a gifted expositor and evangelical leader with strong commitments to global missions and Christian higher education. 

Jurie Kriel serves as Global Director for Collaboration for the Lausanne Movement and the leader of NXT Move, an organization dedicated to gathering business, education, and church leaders to turn around the negative trajectory of Christianity in the next generation. 

Christopher Yuan, author of Holy Sexuality and the Gospel and Out of A Far Country, is a speaker, author and adjunct professor at Moody Bible Institute. 

Jim Davis (teaching pastor, Orlando Grace Church and host of the "As in Heaven" podcast), and Michael Graham (director, Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics), have co-authored The Great Dechurching: Who's Leaving? Why are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back? (Zondervan, 2023). Davis and Graham will discuss their highly touted book and its implications for Christian higher education. 

TG Three (Rob Westervelt, Ryan Dougherty, and Nick Willis) will continue their important conversation on Institutional Strategy, a discussion started at last year’s annual conference.  

Greg Baylor, Senior Counsel for Education, Alliance Defending Freedom, will provide an update on legal and cultural challenges facing Christian higher education. 

Two panel discussions will be presented. One will focus on Artificial Intelligence and Christian Higher Education, which will include Reg Grant (Dallas Theological Seminary), Jacob Shatzer (Union University), Melinda Stephens (Geneva College), Jason Thacker (ERLC and Southern Seminary), and Dan Darling (Southwestern Seminary). 

Another panel discussion will examine Hiring, Staffing, and Funding, moderated by Tom Cornman (provost at Corban University) and others. 

As IACE enters its fifth year, attendance at the annual conference has continued to increase, as has membership, which now includes 80 institutions around the world and 29 like-minded ministries.

“We are thrilled that these gifted speakers, well-known authors, and influential thought leaders will be able to join us in February for the fifth annual conference,” IACE president David S. Dockery said. “We want to encourage campus and organizational leaders from across the IACE spectrum to plan to join us for what promises to be an outstanding conference.”

Sponsors for the conference: Platinum, Impact 360; Gold, Witness to Win; Silver, GuideStone, Bill and Judy Bradish, Clark Higher Education, Stand for Life; Bronze, Made to Flourish, International Mission Board, Crossway, B&H, Union University School of Education, NXTPG, Christian Employers Alliance, The Timothy Group, Jack Carmichael, Conner Insurance, NACCAP.

Conference partners: TG Three, Religious Freedom Institute, Inspire Experience, Joni and Friends Global Missions and Internships.
