Online Registration opens for IACE 2025 Faculty Development Conference

FORT WORTH - Registration has opened for the 5th annual IACE Faculty Development Conference, to be hosted at the Riley Center on the campus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary May 21-23, 2025.

Online registration on the IACE website is open at a cost of $400 per person ($100 additional for spouses).  

A partial list of topics and speakers is available now, with more details expected in the coming weeks. Please see link at the bottom of this page for a tentative conference schedule.

Speakers tentatively scheduled to appear include Matt Hall, provost, Biola University; Chris Leland, associate provost for Faculty Development, Biola University; Leah Zuidema, provost, Dordt University; Mark Eckel, executive director of the Center for Biblical Integration, Liberty University; Melinda Stephens, provost, Geneva College; Bryan Carrier, vice president for Student Life, Union University; Amy Crider, director of the Center for Writing and Rhetoric, Southwestern Seminary; Adam Dodd, vice president for Campus Technology, Southwestern Seminary; Tommy Kidd, Research Professor of History, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Thomas Mach, Provost, Cedarville University, Aaron Lumpkin, Missouri Baptist University, and a team of academic leaders from Dallas Theological Seminary.  

A preliminary list of topics includes: 

*Teaching Effectiveness

*Faith, Teaching, and Learning

*The Place of Academic Freedom at a Distinctive Christ-Centered Institution

*A Case Study in Faculty Development

*Christian Worldview and Faithful Christ-Centered Education

*Spiritual Formation for Faculty and Students

*Research, Scholarship, and Publication

*Teaching, Writing, and Spiritual Formation

*Sessions for newer faculty as well as tose who wish to pursue opportunities of academic leadership at faithful Christian institutions. 

Accommodations will be available at the Riley Center or at Hyatt TCU/Fort Worth, with shuttle bus service between the conference site and the Hyatt.



Mark Kahler