Online Registration Open for 2024 IACE Faculty Development Conference

FORT WORTH - Registration is open for the 2024 IACE Faculty Development Conference, to be conducted May 21-24 at the Riley Conference Center on the campus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Attendees may register online for the conference and reserve accommodations at either the Riley Center or at nearby Hyatt Place TCU. The cost is $400 per person. 

IACE president David S. Dockery said this conference, now in its fourth year, has become a highlight of IACE’s work. 

“Academic officers, deans, department chairs, and newer faculty are all aware of this special opportunity,” Dockery said. “We certainly want to encourage multiple faculty from institutions to attend.” 

A preliminary schedule calls for a pre-conference gathering on Marriage and Human Sexuality (May 21-22). Brad Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project, senior fellow for the Institute on Family Studies, and professor of sociology at the University of Virginia, will lead discussions of two topics: “For the Sake of Our Kids" and "The Closing of the American Heart." The pre-conference will conclude on Wednesday morning.

The Faculty Development Conference will start Wednesday afternoon and conclude by Friday at noon (May 24). A schedule, subject to change, can be found here.

Plenary speakers include Tommy KIdd, research professor of history, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, "The Story of Christian Higher Education;" Janet Black, provost, Colorado Christian University, "Effective Teaching Across Various Platforms;" Gregg Allison, professor of theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, "Christian Worldview and Christian Higher Education;" Jeff Green, provost, Arizona Christian University, "Serving as a Faculty Member at a Christian Higher Education Institution;" Hal Poe, Charles Colson university professor of faith and culture, Union University, "C S Lewis and Christian Higher Education;" and Nathan Finn, executive director, Institute for Transformational Leadership and professor of faith and culture, "The Great Commandment, The Great Commission, and The Great Tradition."

Some of the additional speakers and conference leaders include Tom Cornman, provost, Corban University; Melinda Stephens, provost, Geneva College; Ralph Enlow, board chair, IACE; Michael Bryant, vice president for strategic planning and faith and learning integration, Charleston Southern University; Aaron Lumpkin, associate vice president for spiritual formation, Missouri Baptist University; Rick Martinez, professor of entrepreneurship, Dallas Baptist University; Jonathan Arnold, associate professor of history and theological studies, Cedarville University; and Jan Foster, associate provost, North Greenville University.


Mark Kahler